Monday, October 29, 2007

who needs it anway?

well at my school i take algerbra, and it was pretty easy until i currently got an F+ on my math test (who needs math anyway???). so i walked into mrs.merricks room to see what i got on the test and she said i got an F, and the best thing for me would to move to algerbra 1a!! can u believe she wants to move me?! personally im not that excited to be in that class but whatever,

this also means i will be in 5th period science! just lovely. im kinda excited about that part...... but ians not! jk


Sunday, October 28, 2007

new blog...... again.

well i deleted by blog yesterday on purpose and well i decided that i wanted to start blogging again..... for the 3rd time!

anyway, i hope u enjoy my blog!
