Monday, October 29, 2007

who needs it anway?

well at my school i take algerbra, and it was pretty easy until i currently got an F+ on my math test (who needs math anyway???). so i walked into mrs.merricks room to see what i got on the test and she said i got an F, and the best thing for me would to move to algerbra 1a!! can u believe she wants to move me?! personally im not that excited to be in that class but whatever,

this also means i will be in 5th period science! just lovely. im kinda excited about that part...... but ians not! jk



Anonymous said...

awww. math won't be the same without u.

ur leaving me in science too!!



Cristina said...

thanks. its gonne be so quiet now! jk

Anonymous said...
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kayla rae said...

You will be so happy you moved down! It's a really easy class, and you're with Billy, Taylor and I...can't get much better!

B!lly said...

stop making us stupid math kids feel bad ur gonna be one too!!! jk

we have the best math class evr and now we will have 4 classes 2gether!!!!

Cristina said...

oh my gosh! never once did i say you guys were stupid!!!!!!!

4 classes! im thrilled bff